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Definition of Delirious in a Sentence

Low doses of neuroleptics may be helpful in managing the agitation of a delirious patient temporarily.
Tell your doctor if you had a seizure or got delirious when you tried to stop drinking before.
Attention is impaired, and a delirious person is difficult to engage in conversation and easily distracted by irrelevant stimuli.
On the unit, he was agitated and delirious, undressing himself for several days.
Her arms and legs were aching, she kept going hot and cold and became delirious.
When Wray slathers one of the large paintings in yellow chartreuse, the effect is jarring and delirious.
The ball shaved the wrong side of the post and sent the Town supporters delirious.
A seething proliferation of superimposed images and patterns swirl around like Catherine wheels, and the result is delirious retinal overload.
When that doesn't work, they get him addicted and drag the information out of him when he's in a delirious state.
If, as the run continues, the company unleashes the wild rage of the underdog, it might well hit delirious, instead of merely amusing, heights.
His comments to the opposition are more like the delirious rantings of a homicidal maniac.
The story is a delirious, chaotic, often impenetrable allegory of tribalism in an industrial dystopia.
If by this point you are not already delirious, fear not, even more jolly japes and lunacy are to follow.
When delirious crowds tore down the Berlin Wall in 1989 many hallucinated that a millennium of borderless freedom was at hand.
Just look at the delirious jubilance in York on Monday night after England scraped a 1-0 win over a woeful Germany.
After all, not wearing any clothes at all is fairly hazardous, especially if the sun is making you a little delirious.
He was clearly frightened, perhaps delirious and possibly even unaware of what was happening to him.
And cheered on by nearly 38,000 delirious fans the 34-year-old Gloucester born star did a triumphant lap of honour, waving the flag of St George.
No reasonable settlement is possible in the mood engendered by war because war inflames passions and makes men delirious.
The eve was upon them, as a brilliant sunset became a glorious moonrise, transforming the lethargic day into a delirious nocturne.

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Frankenstein lapsed into a delirious fever for several months, ranting and raving about killing the monster.
She had lived in the city too long, Emma thought, and open windows and wild, chirping night songs had made her delirious.
And it was then, in that delirious, half-starved, semi-conscious state that she came up with a plan.
Thus, the two sides to Neptune are rapture or despair, delirious happiness versus pain and confusion.
Either he wanted to make me delirious with jealousy over her vile decadence or simply get my certified opinion concerning her degree of lunacy.
About two weeks after I entered the hospital I took hospital fever and was delirious for two or three weeks.
I'm so flattered and pleased and delirious and overjoyed that my work has been received so positively by you all.
She had been delirious with excitement about the whole thing, from the moment they had been invited along.
Raine covered her ears at the shrill sound, ducking away from the delirious crowd as best as she could.
The legendary frontiersman is seldom sober, and by the time of the siege he is too sick and delirious with typhoid to hold his eponymous knife.
And delirious daftness without rhyme or reason is just plain boring and at the core of this film.
If left untreated, the patient may be highly agitated, develop insomnia, become delirious or go into a coma.
It requires delirious, wild optimism to believe madness on every continent will keep us safe indefinitely.
The figures ache with yearning yet wear expressions of thrilled surrender and delirious abandon.
What a sad opinion one forms of men, what bitterness grips one's heart when one sees such delirious asininity on display.
His vision was dimming as the rock squeezed harder, his mind was almost delirious with the pain.
Sometimes she would have raging temperatures where she would become delirious, speaking nonsense, and not being fully aware of what was going on.
It's not certain whether they were resourceful, delirious or just had a wicked sense of humour.
The first-course platter of big, peppered tails-on shrimp and seared scallops, all swamped in a delirious garlic-butter sauce, is outrageously good.
The thought made me swoon with disbelief, so after eight songs had passed, I wasn't sure if it was the twelve cups of punch or the dance that was making me delirious.

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Clinicians usually expect delirious patients to exhibit agitation or hyperarousal and may overlook the delirious patient who is somnolent or obtunded.
Alkaloids from Solanaceae may induce a delirious state, but, despite their frequent use in medieval love potions, they do not have specific eroticising properties.
I remember a time, soon after we moved to the compound, when I was delirious with fever and desperately wanted her by my side.
He contracts Kharga Fever, which renders him delirious and causes him gradually to lose his eyesight.
During those 12 days that we shot, I became really ill, so I was having that delirious, waking dream feeling anyway.
On Sunday evening as the mist fell on Hyde Park, delirious supporters gave vent to their emotions as they cheered the new kings of Roscommon football.
Dynamo will provide vigorous live accompaniment whilst the hot plates are sizzling and for delirious dessert, THE YOUNG PROFESSIONALS whip up a small hurricane.
Most of the Atari employees I saw projected an aura of almost delirious bliss.
He became delirious, his heartbeat grew ragged, his blood teemed with the virus, and his lungs, liver and kidneys began to fail.
The crowd went delirious and pointed with glee as the windscreen wiper machines bumped repeatedly into his contorted form and grew all the more confused.
Within the year he became delirious and made the motions of picking something as if he were digging.
I was a C5 quadriplegic strapped to a Stryker frame, wearing a halo brace and delirious.
Playing upon and against ideas of mental inhibition, Cortex is a delirious whirlpool that comes close to derision.
We then witnessed a proliferation of absolutely delirious estimates, based on extravagant fundamental scenarios.
A relatively neutral mixed Mexican duet vaguely reminding of Björk, minus the originality and the delirious enthusiasm.
An 85-year-old patient of yours, Ms S, with moderate dementia, residing in a nursing home, develops a fever and seems delirious.
Adama was delirious by this point and unable to speak for herself, even if she had been given the chance.
Family members should be aware that people who are delirious cannot control what they are saying and their thoughts are not rational.
He said Jeanetta sounded delirious, ranting about stabbing people and killing herself.
Mclean describes that delirious night of celebration as the sweetest of her life.

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Guitar eclipses piano, and the charming French singer-songwriter's usually delirious poetry becomes joyously unhinged.
The characters are cartoonlike, and each illustration has a rambunctious and delirious atmosphere.
If we feel uncomfortable, achy, or even delirious during the course of a fever, these sensations are due to the toxicity that the fever is working to rid us of.
They play puzzling tricks and make us spend a delirious hour of comedy and acrobatics, loss of balance, juggling and a hellish music.
An hour later a delirious and disbelieving Beryl rang again.
I am going delirious from lack of sleep, and I am extremely irritable.
While the penalty prompted singing and cheering from the crowd, the drop kick produced thunderous applause and brought a delirious crowd to their feet.
Vivid hallucinations and delirious illusions may also occur.
Some will hallucinate or become delirious while using crack.
Rhino Jazz Festival wants to be different, daring and delirious and, with its forty-nine stages, ninety concerts and a hundred and seventy-two musicians, it manages to do so perfectly well.
Two years after their UEFA EURO 2008 triumph, Spain were once again receiving the adulation of throngs of delirious supporters who gathered in Madrid to greet their victorious FIFA World Cup homecoming heroes.
I was sort of delirious in the middle of that big thing happening.
Ill and weary, the king became delirious, convinced that he was surrounded by traitors loyal only to his son.
They entered a hospital-like ward, and headed toward one of the bunks, stopping near a delirious soldier who was maniacally struggling to stuff a pillow into a pillowcase.
If an individual is in an acutely agitated or delirious state, and whenever possible when responding to reports of violent individuals, request the assistance of emergency medical services.
The atmosphere at the Abuja national stadium, where 50,000 delirious Super Eagles supporters roared their team on to a winning start against South Africa.
Impaired judgment and sundowning often makes it necessary to restrict and protect the delirious patient.
Sentence by sentence, this is a book that is wiser than its years, which inspires awe, both in its delirious lyricism and its bone-breaking precision.
There's another exhilaratingly different film out this week, and I'll give you this one for free – Paolo Sorrentino's delirious Fellini tribute The Great Beauty, an Aperol spritz of a Roman fantasia.
As one example, a physician at a rural hospital was managing a critically ill patient, who appeared to be delirious and in pain, in the middle of the night.

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Not that the phantom employee disappeared: he became of lesser importance, like a backdrop that would give the first, realist plane of the novel an eccentric, absurd, delirious and almost fantastic dimension.
Marriage is neither a delirious passionate madness nor jogging along in stagnant habit, but the living co-operation of two people who are going the same way.
Only the feeblemindednesses, the confusions and most delirious states are predominantly disturbances of intellect.
Deep in added time the Watford captain, Deeney, broke down the right wing and found Vydra in glorious isolation and the Czech made no mistake with a clinical finish in front of those delirious travelling supporters.
These events plunged Ruskin into despair and led to increasingly severe bouts of mental illness involving a number of breakdowns and delirious visions.
As he roams the town, Adam crosses paths again with Mike who introduces him to the local male nude revue bar, where delirious women thrust dollar bills at gym-toned Adonises.
Following the nightmarish adventures in hipsterland of a young woman named Dorian, it takes viewers on a delirious bad trip from innocence to experience.
Bluebeat and ska from a boombox on the pavement. A suedehead dancing a delirious, inebriated moonstomp with a girl who looked like a solicitor's apprentice.
And Gerrard took full advantage on 71 minutes when he latched on to Bolo Zenden's clever through-ball and lashed the ball home past Rame in front of a delirious Kop.
Mohammed was portrayed as a poor uneducated figure, deceitful merchant, with a simplified religion, delirious sick person, lying traitor, lecher, etc.
A patient, while delirious with the pneumonic form of the plague, expectorated into the face of an English nurse caring for him.
If the patient becomes very delirious and is in no way depressed, chloral or hyoscine should be given.
Between the rich oxygen and the dizziness of hunger, Jon was a bit delirious.
He fancied he was delirious, and had distempered visions of the food so long desired.
In two hours I was delirious, and the end of the Diary and of myself was at hand.
This so preyed on my mind that when the party returned, they found me delirious.
I think I have been delirious ever since that day I saw you first, magdalen.
I was taken so ill in the carriage that I frightened my fellow-passengers by becoming delirious, and had to stop at Kharkov.
The steward in charge thought him delirious, and Skelton said perhaps he was.
For months I was mad, fevered, delirious, and yet I could not die.
Roland was, however, by this time in high fever and delirious.
Confused, delirious with excitement and provincial longings, they tried to make ocular responses to the megaphonic ritual.
Miss Cheney was delirious, and calling constantly for the rector.
If a delirious man had struck me, I should not have been angry with him.
Macquart, especially, appeared to be delirious with enthusiasm.
I believe I had a delirious idea of seizing the red-hot poker out of the fire, and running him through with it.
He was very delirious for some days, restless, sleepless, then comatose.
The effect was supposed to be Pompeiian and Rita and I had often laughed at the delirious fancy of some enriched shopkeeper.
There was a circumstance which at first sight seemed to entangle his delirious but still methodical scheme.
His rambling, delirious utterances were a jargon of mixed tongues.

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The same thing makes us mad or delirious, dreadful and fearful, whether by night or by day, brings sleeplessness, inopportune mistakes, aimless anxieties, absent-mindedness.
For as the swift monster drags you deeper and deeper into the frantic shoal, you bid adieu to circumspect life and only exist in a delirious throb.
I saw, too, for a few moments of delirious horror, the soft and nearly imperceptible waving of the sable draperies which enwrapped the walls of the apartment.

Definition of Delirious in a Sentence
